Our Mission
ChinaSprout's mission is to offer the best Chinese educational and cultural products to anyone with an interest in Chinese culture and language.
Our History
At its inception, ChinaSprout was created to provide quality Chinese cultural and educational products to families who have adopted children from China. During outings in the park with her young son, ChinaSprout’s founder, Xiaoning Wang, met many of these adoptive families, who looked to her to provide answers about China, and its language, culture, and history. Upon investigation, she discovered that there were no resources available in the U.S. for those interested in learning more about China or the Chinese language. In an effort to meet the growing needs of the Chinese adoptive community, Xiaoning launched ChinaSprout in 1999.
As the company quickly took root and blossomed, it became apparent that the want for ChinaSprout’s cultural and educational resources extended beyond the Chinese adoptive community. Thus, ChinaSprout’s focus expanded to include newly immigrated Chinese, Chinese-Americans, and bi-cultural/racial families. Over the years, ChinaSprout has come to serve an even broader customer base that includes persons with connections to China, educators and students of the Chinese language, and patrons who are simply fascinated by the country’s rich culture.
Our Products and Services
ChinaSprout's products are unique because Xiaoning and her colleagues personally select each and every one of them. They have searched for the best quality items available in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the U.S. Furthermore, Xiaoning even makes multiple trips to China, Taiwan and Hong Kong every year to locate new products. This allows us to offer the latest and greatest cultural and learning materials, as well as the most fashionable clothing and accessories to our customers.
With global interest in China increasing, schools around the world are adopting Chinese language studies into their curriculum. Appreciating the need for quality educational materials, ChinaSprout has always carried an extensive selection of Chinese language products. Over the years, ChinaSprout has grown to become a leading Chinese language resource for schools, libraries, and other learning institutions.
In 2000, ChinaSprout introduced Ni Hao Little Friends; a video and workbook series geared toward teaching young children basic spoken and written Chinese words. This would be the first of a number of self-published titles that would go on to gain awards and accolades from parents, educators, children, and critics alike. Like the Ni Hao series, ChinaSprout’s Chinese for Children DVD and textbook series, as well as the books Chinese New Year for Kids and Chinese Power Learning Games have found their way into homes, classrooms, and library collections. Most recently, ChinaSprout received an Honorary Mention Best Book Award in 2007, by the Chinese American Librarians Association, for its picture book, One Year in Beijing, which was illustrated by noted children’s author, Grace Lin.
Also in 2007, ChinaSprout was named an Official Licensee of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. This auspicious designation was awarded to a limited number of retailers in the United States, and everyone at ChinaSprout is very proud to have received such an honor. The Beijing Olympic products provide a meaningful representation of China, and will allow ChinaSprout to introduce the Chinese culture from a new perspective. We look forward to serving all who have an interest in China or the Olympic Games.
ChinaSprout’s product line is updated regularly. New additions are noted in our bi-weekly newsletter and in special email promotions. We pride ourselves on offering responsive and personalized customer service. We encourage you to let us know your needs and suggestions so that we may better serve you now and in the future.