There are a lot of foreign readers who love Chinese food, but few know how to make Chinese food. This recipe contains 50 simple and delicious Chinese cuisine practices that help readers to quickly become a Chinese cooking expert. At the same time, this book is accompanied by easy to learn Chinese words to help foreign readers improve their Chinese.
全世界爱吃中国菜的人数不胜数,但会做中国菜的人除了中国人以外却寥寥无几。想不想做几个中国菜给家人、亲友露一手?这本“快手菜谱”收录了50道做法简单又好吃的中国菜肴做法,蒸、煮、炒、拌样样都有,可以让你快速成为中国菜烹饪高手!在每道美食的做法之外,本书还提供了一些与中式烹饪有关的汉语词汇或句子, 外国朋友在短时间内就可以掌握,做到美食与文化双丰收!
By Kun Hou, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin, and English, 115 pages, 8.25"x5.75"