With 5200 entries, clear and precise definitions and plentiful usage examples and pictures, this dictionary is a perfect reference tool for elementary school students. Every character is introduced with its definition, usage, pinyin, the number of strokes, radical components, structure, and stroke order. Easily confused characters are also listed with explanations on the common mistakes in writing and pronunciation
以国家颁布的《通用规范汉字表》为依据,收字5200余个。 释义准确、简明,例证丰富,符合小学生的认知。 每字标注笔画数、部首、结构、笔顺等汉字基本知识。 设置提示500余个,指出容易读错、写错的字音、字形。 精选插图200余幅,图文并茂,寓教于乐。
Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters and Pinyin, 592 Pages, 6.0"x4.3"