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Mr. Six BSS063


Mr. Six who used to be renowned around Beijing cannot adapt to the great changes of the society. So he lives in the deep hutong in seclusion walking with the bird, meddling other's business and grumbling. One day, after quarreling with Mr. Six, his son Xiaobo runs away from home angrily. Unfortunately, he is detained unlawfully by the head of local ruffians Xiaofei. To rescue his son and remedy his guilt for him, Mr. Six comes out again. With his rules, he tries to work it out, only to find that both the society and his physical condition have changed greatly. The feud between the father and the son and the confrontation between the past and present forces are unavoidable.

管虎*作的《老炮儿》讲述了曾经风光四九城的 老炮六爷,难以适应社会巨变,蛰伏于胡同深处,过 着溜鸟、管闲事、发牢骚的无聊日子。某日,六爷和 “小炮儿”儿子晓波父子间产生巨大情感冲突,导致 小炮儿负气离家出走,不想遭遇暗算,被新崛起一代 的“小爷”小飞非法拘禁。为了解救儿子,并偿还当 年对儿子的愧疚之情,六爷重出江湖。六爷用自己的 规矩,试图摆平事件,却无奈的发现,无论是这个时 代,还是自己的身体,早已今非昔比。一场父子恩仇 、新旧势力的对决无法避免。

By Guan Hu, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 220 pages, 8.5"x6"
Item: Mr. Six
Our Price:US$ 17.95
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