Blast to the moon and back with best friends Moonbear and Little Bird in this charming reissue of a beloved classic by award-winning author and illustrator Frank Asch. One night while watching the moon, Moonbear turns to Little Bird and asks, I wonder what the moon tastes like? The ever-curious Moonbear begins a quest that ends up taking him all the way to the moon and back again. Bear builds a rocket to take him to the moon so he can taste it.
法兰克艾许笔下的月亮小熊,长得圆头圆脑,憨态可掬,他有一个充满幻想的圆脑袋,以及一颗善良的心,他最喜欢和月亮一起玩,所以大家叫他月亮小熊。月亮小熊诞生30余年,已成为倍受全世界孩子喜爱的图画书主角。 这是继《月亮,生日快乐》之后,法兰克艾许又一本脍炙人口的月亮小熊故事:小熊造了一架火箭,想要乘着火箭到月亮上去,好尝一尝月亮的滋味。不过,建造火箭的工程一直拖到了深秋,小熊要冬眠了!小熊在风声中醒来,他从来没有在冬天醒来过,所以外面的景色让他以为他真的到了月亮上
by Frank Asch, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese Characters, 30 pages, 8.2"X8.2"