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Three Cups of Tea (The Young Reader's Edition) BSY148


This young readers edition of the worldwide bestseller Three Cups of Tea has been specially adapted for younger readers and updated by Greg Mortenson to bring his remarkable story of humanitarianism up to date for the present. Includes new photos and illustrations, as well as a special interview by Greg’s twelve-year-old daughter, Amira, who has traveled with her father as an advocate for the Pennies for Peace program for children. David Oliver Relin is a contributing editor for Parade magazine and Skiing magazine. He has won more than forty national awards for his work as a writer and editor. </P> <P>Hiking in the mountains of Pakistan in 1993, Mortenson got lost. He found his way to a small village where the locals helped him recover from his ordeal. While there, he noticed that the students had no building and did all of their schooling out of doors. Motivated to repay the kindness he had received, he vowed to return to the village and help build a school. Thus began his real life's journey. Mortenson's story recounts the troubles he faced in the U.S. trying to raise the money and then in Pakistan, trying to get the actual supplies to a remote mountain location. His eventual success led to another, and yet another, until he established a foundation and built a string of schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Mortenson manages to give the story an insider's feel despite being an outsider himself. His love of the region and the people is evident throughout and his dedication to them stalwart. The writing is lively, if simplistic, and for the most part the story moves along at a fairly quick clip.</P> <P>葛瑞格•摩顿森 登山爱好者。1957年出生于美国明尼苏达州,早年随支援非洲的父母生活于坦桑尼亚。1993年,为纪念早逝的妹妹,攀登世界第二高峰乔戈里峰。途中发生意外,在巴基斯坦巴尔蒂人的全力营救下死里逃生,从此与这片土地结下不解情缘。获救后,摩顿森被巴尔蒂人的淳朴民风和极端贫困深深震撼,遂立下“一定要为村庄建立学校”的宏愿。为兑现这一承诺,他苦心奔走十余年,在当地陆续建设了90余所学校,为34000名儿童提供了受教育的机会,其中包括24000名女孩。2006年,他将自己这段经历,以及十多年来的所见所闻整理成书:战乱地区的孩子稚嫩而赤诚的心灵、贫困的巴尔蒂人朴素而深沉的情感,令千百万不同肤色的读者为之震撼。2007年,凭借作品在全球的重大影响,与日本著名作家村上春树分享第11届桐山环太平洋文学奖。2009年,摩顿森被巴基斯坦政府授予“巴基斯坦之星”荣誉勋章,并获诺贝尔和平奖提名。大卫•奥利弗•瑞林 游历世界的专栏作家,获奖无数。《三杯茶》告诉我们,一个平凡人只要兼具了崇高的品格和果决的信念,也能真正改变世界。</P>★敬上一杯茶,你是一个陌生人;<BR>★再敬第二杯,你是我们的朋友;<BR>★奉上三杯茶,你是我的家人,我将用生命来保护你。 &#0;o

By Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, 216 pages, 8.5"x6"
Item: Three Cups of Tea (The Young Reader's Edition)
Our Price:US$ 12.95
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