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The Illustrated Mum BSY170


Covered from head to toe with one-of-a-kind tattoos, Marigold is the brightest, most beautiful mother in the world. At least, that’s what Dolphin thinks—she just wishes Marigold wouldn’t stay out quite so late or have mood spells every now and again. Dolphin’s older sister, Star, loves Marigold too, but she’s tired of looking after her. So when Star’s dad shows up out of the blue and offers to let the girls stay with him, Star jumps at the opportunity. But Dolphin can’t bear to leave Marigold alone. Now it’s just the two of them, and Dolphin is about to be in over her head. . . .

海豚和同母異父的姊姊星星,與母親金盞花一起生活。金盞花患有躁鬱症,無法盡責做個母親,反而是海豚和星星在照顧金盞花。星星年紀稍長後,也逐漸承擔不起如此地被迫早熟,因此想要掙脫這環境,但她又十分地愛母親和妹妹…… 一個不適任母親的故事,充滿了愛與悲傷,也呈現出社會中,的現實面,卻又能帶來希望。描寫細膩有力、時時出人意料、結尾高潮迭起。本書不負賈桂琳.威爾森眾多讀者熱切的期待,書中具備她過去多本佳作的所有特質……她特有的純真敘事筆調,使她的作品不致淪於濫情感傷,而具有敏銳的感知與激勵。

By Jacqueline Wilson, Paperback, Traditional Chinese characters, 304 pages, 8.25"x5.75"
Item: The Illustrated Mum
Our Price:US$ 13.95
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