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The King Who Never Grew Up BSY193


There once was a king who never grows up. Because the king has a childlike innocence, he has to deal with his love for the elderly, children and animals. He is a very unique king, very similar like a child. He has temper tantrums, doesn't want to do math, and other child like actions. Follow along with beautiful pictures and a story that students can learn from.

人们把奇古拉国王叫做长不大的国王。就因为这位国王有一颗童心,他爱老人,爱孩子,还爱和各种小动物、大动物打交道。这是一个非常奇怪的国王,高高在上,却像小孩子一样,爱耍赖、常乱发脾气、怕做数学题;又天真烂漫,总为身边的人着想……这就是人见人爱的奇古拉国王!书里的纸张都配有漂亮的动物小图片,而且故事充满童趣有指导性,细读之后会发现还教会了一些道理 适合学生学习。


Book Titles:
The King with the Super Long Noodles《奇古拉国王的超长面条》
The King and His Chubby Nanny《奇古拉国王和胖奶妈》
The King and His Witch Aunt《奇古拉国王和女巫姨妈》
The King and His Pig and Chicken Friends《奇古拉国王的猪朋鸡友》

By Zhang, Qiusheng, Paperback, Traditional Chinese Characters, 86 pages/book,8.5" X 6"
Item: The King Who Never Grew Up
Our Price:US$ 9.95
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