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The Adoration of Jenna Fox BSY410


Who is Jenna Fox? Seventeen-year-old Jenna has been told that is her name. She has just awoken from a coma, they tell her, and she is still recovering from a terrible accident in which she was involved a year ago. But what happened before that? Jenna doesn't remember her life. Or does she? And are the memories really hers?

一场车祸几乎夺去珍娜十七岁的生命,昏迷一年之后,她醒了过来。可之前到底发生了什么?她好像全都忘了。父母给她看从小到大的录影资料,随着记忆的渐渐恢复,一个惊世骇俗的真相浮出水面—— 在她生命垂危之际,无论如何也不愿失去爱女的父母借助基因工程技术,用生物凝胶“制造”出了另一个珍娜,相对于原来的珍娜,只有百分之十的大脑存活于“新”珍娜的身体里。珍娜觉得自己是一个人造的非法的怪物,她无法理解父母的做法,即使以爱的名义也拒绝接受。百分之十,这能算是活着吗?还有灵魂——“给我看看!哪儿?你把我的灵魂安顿在哪儿了呢?”珍娜的苦苦逼问引发出了对爱、人伦、科技发展的未来的种种思考。

By Mary E. Pearson, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 254 pages, 8.3"x5.98"
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