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When Zachary Beaver Came to Town BSY416


Toby Wilson is having the toughest summer of his life. It's the summer his mother leaves for good; the summer his best friend's brother returns from Vietnam in a coffin. And the summer that Zachary Beaver, the fattest boy in the world, arrives in their sleepy Texas town. While it's a summer filled with heartache of every kind, it's also a summer of new friendships gained and old friendships renewed. And it's Zachary Beaver who turns the town of Antler upside down and leaves everyone, especially Toby, changed forever.

这是一个令人难以忘怀的夏天。世界上最胖的男孩——扎卡里来小镇演出,给整个小镇,特别是托比带来了一些不太一样的改变。在托比看来,尽管扎卡里总是待在那辆拖车里,可他真的见过大世面。卢浮宫、埃菲尔铁塔、自由女神像……他都去过!自己则只是待在小镇上,和傻得让人难为情的好朋友一起,在无聊的大街小巷游荡。托比羡慕扎卡里能到处旅行,看不一样的风景,不会为了妈妈到底什么时候回来而烦恼,不会为了逃避父亲的沉默寡言而尴尬,更不会为了心爱的女孩和别的男生约会而心碎。他一度以为,扎卡里和自己是完全不同的。可是,一个不经意间的编造的小小谎言,让托比发现了 自己与扎卡里之间的隐秘共鸣。

By Kimberly Willis Holt, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 191 pages, 8.1"x5.6"
Item: When Zachary Beaver Came to Town
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