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Mean Margaret BSY434


Unconditional kindness is the key in this National Book Award Finalist from the author of The Wainscott Weasel about nontraditional families, adoption, love—and a little peace and quiet. Margaret is a mean, cranky human toddler from a family of nine. She is such a pain that her beleaguered parents chuck her out, and she’s on her own, grousing and grumping until two caring woodchucks, Phoebe and Fred, take Margaret in as their own. But despite their love, Margaret continues to wreak havoc with her loud, destructive ways, ruining the burrow and shrieking nonstop. Soon the woodchucks are as beleaguered as Margaret’s human parents were, but because love is more powerful than temper tantrums, they are determined to make it work. So they enlist a little unconventional help, and with the guidance of a snake, bats, and a skunk, their feral little human just might realize there’s more to life than being mean.

《脾气的玛格丽特》:一对新婚的旱獭夫妇收养了一个人类婴儿!这个名叫玛格丽特的小女婴在家排名老九,由于爱吵爱闹脾气太坏而被哥哥姐姐"遗失"在树林里。善良的母旱獭菲比决定收养她,但菲比极爱干净的丈夫弗莱德却十分忍受不了玛格丽特。况且,对于他们来说,大胃口的玛格丽特实在不太好养。于是,树林里的动物--蛇、臭鼬、蝙蝠、松鼠也加入到了收养大军之中...... 海报

By Tor Seidler, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 165 pages, 8.25"x5.9"
Item: Mean Margaret
Our Price:US$ 9.95
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