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The Room Upstairs BSY464


When the German army occupied Holland, Annie de Leeuw was eight years old. Because she was Jewish, the occupation put her in grave danger-she knew that to stay alive she would have to hide. Fortunately, a Gentile family, the Oostervelds, offered to help. For two years they hide Annie and her sister, Sini, in the cramped upstairs room of their farmhouse. 

二战期间,德国入侵荷兰后,犹太人安妮一家为了躲避纳粹的迫害,不得不四处寻找藏身之处。一户善良的非犹太农户收留了安妮和西妮姐妹俩, 两个女孩自此开始了长达两年多的“隐身”生活。她们躲在农户家的楼上,在房间里足不出户,忍受着常人无法想象的孤单与煎熬。安妮由于缺乏运动,肌肉萎缩,走起路来都摇摇晃晃。最终,她们以超人的勇气和毅力坚持到战争结束,盼来了向往已久的自由。

By Johanna Reiss, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 227 pages, 8.1"x5.9"
Item: The Room Upstairs
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