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The Moffat Family (4 Books) BSY532


Meet the Moffats. There is Sylvie, the oldest, the cleverest, and-most days at least-the responsible one; Joey, who though only twelve is the man of the house. . .sometimes; Janey, who has a terrific upside-down way of looking at the world; and Rufus, who may be the littlest but always gets in the biggest trouble. Even the most ordinary Moffat day is packed with extraordinary fun. Only a Moffat could get locked in a bread box all afternoon, or dance with a dog in front of the whole town, or hitch a ride on a boxcar during kindergarten recess. And only a Moffat could turn mistakes and mischief into hilarious one-of-a-kind adventure. Please click here for a detailed description of each title.

一本少儿小说,能让铁石心肠的评论家不时开怀大笑,实在是难能可贵。鲁夫与他的家人在那充满艰难的岁月里,写下了良善与纯朴的一页。拜访埃莉诺·埃斯特笔下的“魔法多一家” 感受触动心灵的母爱和童心。第一本《魔法多一家亲》,是埃莉诺·埃斯特的处女作;第二、第三本《鬼灵精阿珍》《小淘气鲁夫》,分别获1943年和1944年纽伯瑞儿童文学奖银奖。同一系列的两部作品,能连续两年获奖,可见当时的读者、评委、评论界对“魔法多一家”的认可和喜欢程度。 请点击查看分册介绍

Book Titles:
The Moffats 摩法多一家亲
The Middle Moffat 鬼灵精阿珍
Rufus M 小淘气鲁夫
The Moffat Museum 摩法多博物馆

By Eleanor Estes and Louis Slobodkin, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 223-250 Pages/Book, 8.3"x6.8"
Item: The Moffat Family (4 Books)
Our Price:US$ 49.95
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