Here's a very special T-shirt for those extraordinarily experienced Moms - Grandma! Written in the Cao Shu style of calligraphy, by a Chinese calligrapher specially for ChinaSprout, the characters for "Lao Lao" - Maternal Grandma (orange background), "Nai Nai" - Paternal Grandma (red background), decorate this lovely tee, along with a bright red or orange, traditional border design. Cao Shu calligraphy, or ''grass style/swift script'', is a form of writing that's considered simplified and personal - perfect for the word ''grandmother.'' It's a great Mother's Day gift idea, but what grandma wouldn't love one of these any time? For more information about Cao Shu calligraphy, click here and here.
100% Cotton, Size S - XL; Machine Washable