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Reading Tree Starter Level BSG189


The Reading Tree series is divided into several levels, and each level includes a Reader’s Guide. The starter level is designed for kindergarten children, while the other levels are suitable for elementary and secondary school students. Each story is illustrated with graphic images to facilitate the reader’s understanding and interests.


Book Titles:
1. Reading 读书
2. Look for a Friend 找朋友
3. Wash Your Hands 洗手
4. Handcrafts 做手工
5. Play Hide and Seek 捉迷藏
6. Nose, Ears, Eyes and Mouth 鼻子.耳朵.眼睛.嘴
7. Hair, Shoulders, Knees and Feet 头发、肩膀、膝盖、脚 鲍思冶
8. Whale, Shark and Fish 鲸鱼、鲨鱼和小鱼
9. Cat and Mouse 猫和老鼠
10. Apple Pie, Pineapple Pie 苹果派、菠萝派
11. Drawing 画画儿
12. I Say, You Do 我说你来做
13. Grab a Chair 抢椅子
14. Throw Sand Packs 扔沙包
15. Hopscotch 跳房子
16. Cutting Watermelon 切西瓜
17. Scissors, Rock, and Cloth 剪刀.石头.布
18. Calling the Soldier, Calling the Commander 点兵点将
19. Where Are My Friends? 我的朋友在哪里
20. In the Garden 花园里

By Victor Siye Bao, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters and Pinyin, 11 pages/book, 8"x6.75"
Item: Reading Tree Starter Level
Our Price:US$ 8.95
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