The Reading Tree series is divided into several levels, and each level includes a Reader’s Guide. The starter level is designed for kindergarten children, while the other levels are suitable for elementary and secondary school students. Each story is illustrated with graphic images to facilitate the reader’s understanding and interests.
Book Titles:
1. I Can Tell Time 我会看时间
2. My School 我的学校
3. Have a Birthday Party Together 生日可以一起过
4. Do Shopping in the Store 在商店买东西
5. I'm a Martian 我是火星人
6. Well, All Are Yours! 哼,都是你的!
7. I'll Take a Bath Later 它洗完,我再洗
8. Happy to Share with Friends 分享很快乐
9. Wait a Moment, I am Busy 等会儿,我很忙
10. Do I Like Having Classes or Not? 我喜不喜欢上课?
By Victor Siye Bao, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters and Pinyin, 19 pages/book, 8"x6.75"