A monochrome town gets a change of color and attitude with the help of a box of yarn and a girl named Annabelle. From the seemingly endless box of Extra Yarn Annabelle knits clothing for everyone around her, tempering the ill-tempered, and creating beautifully patterned warmth for people, animals, and objects, alike. When a greedy clothes-loving archduke tries to buy--then steal--the box for himself, he discovers that ill-gotten gains bear no fruit--or in this case, yarn.
冷冰冰小镇一个冬天的下午,小姑娘安娜贝尔在雪地里捡到了一个盒子,里面装着五颜六色的毛线。这看起来是个平平常常的盒子,里面装的是平平常常的毛线,可是事实并不是这样…… 安娜贝尔给自己织了一件彩色毛衣,可盒子里还有剩下的毛线。安娜贝尔就用剩下的毛线。给自己的小狗马尔斯也织了一件毛衣,可盒子里还有剩下的毛线。安娜贝尔不停地织啊织,给小镇上所有的人、所有的动物、所有的房子都织了一件彩色毛衣,可盒子里还有剩下的毛线。一个特别爱打扮的公爵盯上了安娜贝尔的盒子。他派小偷偷走了这个神奇的盒子,可是当他打开盒子时却发现盒子是空的!
By Mac Barnett, Illustrated By Jon Klassen, Hardcover, Simplified or Traditional Chinese Character, 38 pages, 8.75"x10.1"